
I Have Moved!


My sincere apologies for the intermittent closure of this blog today. Well, it was for a good cause and that is.. I HAVE MOVED TO THE NEW BLOGGER! Yes, no more Classic Blogger!

Actually this move was quite bold of me because I am not familiar with XML language and codes at all, and though it seems easier for people to drag and drop widgets according to their preference, the nitty gritty details such as spacing, colours, fonts, paddings etc are in the style sheet - which is in XML.

You wouldn't really be able to see much of a difference because I really want to stick to my previous layout, so the whole day I was figuring out how to do the codes and stuff in XML language. Gosh, almost died.

So here I am, presenting to you this site in the new blogger, and I promise you it will look the same across all internet browsers! No longer do I have to write separate scripts for Internet Explorer! Enjoy!

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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