Following Study Day #1, I met up with my usual study kakis at Changi Airport T3 today again. This time, we had an unexpected classmate who dropped by in the afternoon, and he is none other than - Gilbert.
Unlike the previous mugging session, we resolved to start studying at 10am. Nonetheless, being total pigs who struggle to wake ourselves up in the morning, all of us reached at 11.30am; that's an hour and a half late. Still, I would say that this mugging session was a little more fruitful and productive than the previous. But still a far cry from achieving maximum productivity I would say!

Gim Loon says "Hi"

Elmo: "Hey!"

First up, we went to Tosto to study. Guess it was the quietest and the least human traffic of all the food chains

For lunch, I had some Chicken Sandwich. Trust me, Subway tastes so much better.

It ain't that bad after all, well that's if you don't mind a cold potato salad and a some weird tomato dressing that comes along with it.

Gim Loon ordered CHOCOLATE SMOOTHIE. The waitress gave him VANILLA SMOOTHIE. How close is chocolate and vanilla? Hmm.

Being a total java junkie, I ordered Cafe Frappe

Gim Loon, in the world of his own

Elmo, laughing hard at how funny Gim Loon can be

Gilbert wearing a baby hoodie, thinking he's some kind of God and Gim Loon, worshipping.

This.. looks.. gay.

Gilbert insisting on taking the sky train to T2 and so we followed suit

After dinner, we headed to Coffee Bean at T2 cos T3 was kinda boring after 6 hours?

Sneak attack of me being totally concentrated at studying. Haha!

The camera is so Gilbert-Friendly.
Disclaimer: Some of the following pictures are taken by the guys themselves. So, I'm really innocent. Really!

Gilbert, being totally himself

More retards


Seriously, if you had try the coffee that Elmo bought, you would have writhed like that too!

Elmo the good boy.

Group Shot Attempt #1

Group Shot Attempt #2

Finally! Something decent!

And more decent less gayish and retarded pictures. HAHA!

We were really studying! This was our way of relieving stress!
Guys argh! They played me out.
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