
Pre Birthday Stress


In just a few hours when the clock strikes 12:00 am, dear will be a year older. But from now till tomorrow, I am stressed, uneasy, and anxious.

Because for the first time in birthday celebrations, I didn't get him any present.

Now he would be glad that I didn't get him presents because when my birthday arrives, he wouldn't have to wreck his brain to get mine. Sort of like an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. But I didn't get any presents because there is simply nothing (that I can afford) to get. Sure, there are things he wants, like a BIGGER bike, or a new macbook pro, or an iphone 3G yada yada.. but that is just way too EXPENSIVE!

So instead, I have decided to just plan something special, unusual, unique and interesting. Even he himself is dying to know! But I sure do hope that he would like it, because it would really be an ego basher if he doesn't like it. Pffttttt!

Phew! I am stressed as of now!

Want to know more? Stay tuned.

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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