
Love Thoughts


As my birthday and Valentine's day draws closer, I seem to feel oblivious or numb to such events anymore. Probably as age catches up, the simple euphoria that one seeks in these occasions gets lesser and lesser, to the point they even might ask themselves "So what if it's my birthday?"

Blame it on the rising cost of living in Singapore, buying birthday presents or some other presents for the matter just seem a bit too costly for our pockets to bear. Hmm that might explain the migraines that some might get when these dates draw close. They just don't know what to get! Moreover, with the sudden mark up of prices on February 14th, no wonder we all end up getting bankrupt overnight.

By the way, my birthday falls close to Valentine's Day. That saves alot of money for him, or wait. I think I'm easy to maintain :)

Speaking of Valentine's Day, I have developed an unusual loathe over the past few years. It's not that I am jealous of other ladies getting HUGE bouquets of flowers or having a romantic candle-light dinner, it's just that I can't stand how commercialized this day has become.

Somehow Valentine's Day has lost its meaning and purpose. People are just celebrating it for the occasion's sake, or getting gifts out of their partner's expectations or because society deems that it is a day where chocolates, roses and pricey gifts are exchanged. What crap! What happened to the enjoyment of your partner's company, gazing into one's eyes and saying "I love you, still" from the bottom of your heart?

"Oh it's too plain."
"..Oh it's too boring."
"Everyone's hanging out and getting gifts.."

Oh what nonsense. In this very day itself, I relish in being in places where it's quiet, where probably my partner and I are just alone by the beach, enjoying the sea breeze, having a little picnic, reminiscing the good old days. Thinking of it makes me smile, it reminds me of East Coast Park, where we spent most of our days having fun, cycling, laughing, making a fool of ourselves, watching the sea.

I want to go back and relive those days :)

So there you go, I don't expect gifts on Valentine's Day. Of course I don't mind an unexpected surprise (I love surprises!), but I have found a deeper revolution and meaning in Valentine's Day. It is no longer about gifts, or an excuse to eat an expensive dinner but rather, it's all about being with your loved one. I strongly believe that if you find bliss in your everyday relationship with him/her, everyday would be Valentine's Day.

For those that are single out there, don't pout. I'm sure your valentine would cross your path in God's perfect time.

Now would be the time I would have already churn out my birthday wish-list. Sad to say I really can't think of anything I really want. Ok I do have things I really want but they are just WAY TOO EXPENSIVE :(

Here were the things I wanted:

1) N82
2) Denim Jacket
3) A day planned by him that I would totally never expect

Oh well, birthdays shouldn't be materialistic I guess. Thus I throw my hands in the air. I seriously have no idea what I want for my birthday present. NO IDEA. Birthdays are no longer a BIG thing I look forward to. It's just another day in a year, and soon, lines and more lines would appear. Tsk. Oh what a shame.

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