
Rabbit Orientation: Toys


Each time I pass by Mocha's cage, I would stop and look at it. Then I realized that other than sleeping, pooping, eating (a lot), it really does nothing else. That's when I decided to get him a toy, hoping to kill its boredom!

This toy carrot might look like an ordinary toy, but it isn't! It has a sound when you shake it, which supposedly to get some rabbit attention when you toss the toy carrot at it. The thick orange ropes around the toy is also meant for the rabbit's teeth to chew when it gets bored too!

Toys will help keep your rabbit physically active and prevent boredom. A bored rabbit is much more likely to become destructive or even depressed and overweight. Deprived of toys and play things, your rabbit may turn to your furniture and other belongings as chew toys, or even dangerous things like electrical cords. Experiment with a variety of toys to find out what is entertaining to your rabbit, and continue to provide new toys (or at least rotate the ones he/she has).

A huge variety of items can make good rabbit toys. You might not find them marketed as rabbit toys, and some are things you will have around the house. Be creative and pay attention to how your rabbit seems to like to play, and you may come up with ideas of your own (just pay close attention to safety).

Some ideas:
- cardboard tubes from toilet paper and paper towel rolls paper bags
- cardboard boxes (especially a closed box with two or three rabbit sized entrance holes cut in the sides)
- cardboard concrete forms or large PVC pipes for tunnels (make sure bunny can't get stuck!)
- untreated wicker baskets or other wicker items (a wicker tunnel other items are available at the online stores listed below)
- hard plastic cat balls with a bell inside (make sure your bunny isn't chewing up and swallowing the plastic though)
- hard plastic baby toys such as rings, links, keys, rattles, etc.
- parrot toys and bells
- kitty condos (the shorter ones), tunnels, platforms
- towels
- small straw whisk broom
- straw balls ( you can get the ones meant as hamster houses; for added enjoyment fill with timothy hay)
- box full of shredded paper (preferably ink free - you can sometimes get unprinted newsprint roll ends from the local newspaper printer)
- fresh branches from apple trees
- dried pine cones
- large rubber ball

Hmmm... let's see how long this Toy Carrot can last. Who knows, probably what Mocha really needs is a teddy bear or some sort.

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