
Airport Adventures: Trip #8


Back last month, dear and I visited Changi Airport T3 for our usual supper hangout. Boy, that was so long ago I could hardly remember! So anyway, airport these days just remind me of supper times with him and hangout dates where we just talk, drink some beverages, have some snacks and watch people. Interestingly, we enjoy doing so!

But tomorrow, dear would be away for a really short trip to Penang and that is part of his job scope. Well, the trip's so short it's just about 6 hours! Still, you know me.. I'll just worry worry worry through the day, until I get so immobilized with worry that I start losing focus and concentration in the things I do.

So while he is away tomorrow, I guess I'll say a little prayer for him, and myself so that I will worry less. In the mean time, my heart will be beating pretty fast.

Speaking of which, really want to thank God for this job he has. Though compared to his previous one at Starwood where things are pretty much comfortable and steady, this current job provides more opportunities and of course, money! I mean, which company will willingly send their part time employee overseas just to do a simple job, and still get paid by the hour (including traveling time)?

All I can say, God gives beyond what we can ask or possibly imagine!

Click here to see the rest of our Airport Adventures!

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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