As it was late, we decided to leave and doing so required us to walk from one end of the airport to the other end where the bike was parked.
While walking, dear suddenly closed his eyes and placed his right hand on my left shoulder, and continued to walk.
That's when I decided to lead him (with his eyes closed) from the far end of the airport where we were to the other end, through the carpark and to the bike.
We walked slowly, and there was a naughty moment of mine when I led him into a pillar to see if he was peeping. Well, turns out that I was wrong!
After what seemed like an arduous journey at the expense of a great length of time, we finally made it!
A few days after this incident while sitting on the train on my long journey home, I pondered about this faith walk and I tried putting myself in his shoes to feel how it would be like.
I would be terrified and my legs would be frozen to the ground!
So I concluded that dear either had alot of trust and faith in me, or he was really really brave.
Then it dawned upon me that isn't our walk with God as such?
More often than not when we walk with Him by faith, it is like closing our eyes, holding on to His hands, and walking?
And then I realised from the little faith walk I had with dear that similarly, when we walk by faith, it seems like we are taking a longer time than we are when circumstances and situations around us are going well.
But we can always take comfort that when He holds our hands, He will never let go, nor will He lead us to the wrong place because He can see beyond what we can, and He gently comforts us and assures along the way with "Follow Me" or "Do not be afraid, I am with You".
Through this reflection of a simple faith walk which occured so ordinary, I am comforted by my walk with Him because even though faith requires us to trust in what we cannot see, faith in Him means there is no need to worry or fear, because there is hope in the one who holds my hand.
Click here to see the rest of our Airport Adventures!
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