
Smoky Situation


Here's a typical scenario of a bus-stop full of commuters waiting for their next bus. I was amongst them, waiting anxiously for my bus to arrive.

Suddenly a smoker walks by and throws his lighted cigarette into the ash tray above the dust bin.

The cigarette begins to burn the scraps of paper found in the ash tray and suddenly, billows of smoke came out from the ash tray, causing irritation to the commuters in the bus-stop, including me.

No one seem to do anything about the matter, everyone sat down with hands covering their noses. Even I was oblivious to the smoky situation.

Then came a lady who asked if she could pour water over the smoke before a fire starts out. I smiled and said "Yes of course!"

Thank God that there are still some good samaritans out there who are willing to always lend a hand :)

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