
Church Camp 2009 (Day 2)


On the second day of the camp, the youths gathered in the Aerobics Room for their usual morning workout to get our lazy bodies moving.

Then we had morning devotion which was led by me for the second morning, and Ivin for the third morning.
Took a quick shot of the English Service whilst making my way to the toilet.

And another shot of the children having fun with the Kids Program.

And yet another shot of the Chinese Service. Umm. I think my toilet break was pretty long.

After lunch, the youths had an action packed afternoon filled with games and more games! The above picture was a game of tug-of-war between 4 teams.

Another game required us to take a group picture of our team with the TV.

For dinner, some of the youths who sat at the same table decided to play a few rounds of 7-up. Poor Amos who was in a losing streak ended up with flowers in his hair as a forfeit.

After the night service, the youths had another activity before the day came to a close. It was called "Strings of Life".

This activity required us to hold on the end of the string and the throw a ball of strings to the person who had impacted us the most during this camp. This went on and soon it revealed a network of strings that connected us and turns out to be that everyone had at least impacted someone in this camp.

Click here to see all the Church Camp 2009 pictures!

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