
My Balancing Act


Woah it's halfway through the week and truthfully, I'm a little disoriented. It seems as if my mind is stuck in a holiday mode but my body is independently doing other tasks and going through the whole routine of school, church, friends, and relationships.

Strangely, I find this very recurring especially when I have to head back to school or work after the holidays. I wonder if it is just me or there are others out there who have similar thoughts.

Perhaps I am one who seeks balance in life, and failing to do so would result in a general discontentment and dissatisfaction - which is exactly how I am feeling now. Well, all's not lost. There are a few ways that I currently know do or know of to seek balance: Stay home and spend some "me" time, or go out and do some window shopping alone.

Thankfully my school lessons are all in the late afternoons and that allows me to sleep in and wake up to a morning filled with Sims 3 and endless facebook applications.

Haha. I guess "balance" will be restored in no time :D

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