
Mr Men


Happened to watch the show "Taken" the other day and for a person who adores action-pack/thriller/suspense shows, Taken indeed took my breath away.

First thing to say is, this is a great and fun movie from beginning to end. If you like the Bourne titles then you will love this movie. The fighting style and the way things get done is similar to Matt Damon's character. It doesn't get old and is great to watch throughout the whole film.

The movie has a similar plot to other action thrillers, but even though you may know the outcome, it is the journey that counts in this movie. It is the way he does what he does, the way that he fights and overcomes problems that draws you into the movie and makes this movie so great to watch.

Liam Neeson

The show aside, watching the show Taken made me go goo-goo-ga-ga over Liam Neeson. In the show, he portrays himself as both a good guy and a bad guy as he fights to save his daughter who was taken away from him.

With his badass look bundled in a brawny man who exuberates a silent dangerous charm yet makes one feel secure and stable, what's there not to like about him?

Nicolas Cage

But I admit. Instead of going head-over-heels over celebrities that are young and handsome, I do have a thing for celebrities who are matured, cool, and have a badass look.

So before watching this show, I really liked Nicolas Cage, especially in shows like Windtalkers, Ghost Rider, National Treasure, The Rock etc.

In each show, he had that stable, confident, witty and intellectual look. Well, he might not be cute and adorable with a head of thick hair and a body like a fit and tanned 25 year old, but like how wine matures with age, I never got tired of him over time.

Other than Liam Neeson and Nicolas Cage, here's a list of other Mr. Men that caught my attention:

Wentworth Miller

Recently, I've also been catching every season and episode of what I think is the most popular show on Television - Prison Break. In it, the main character Michael Scofield (Wentworth Willer) also makes my heart skip several beats because of his intellectual mind and his clean and shaven look; which apparently is the kind of guy I've always had in mind.

Hugh Laurie

Other than Prison Break, I've also been hooked on House, an American television medical drama starring Dr. House (Hugh Laurie) as the main character - A highly-skilled and professional doctor, yet one who is a maverick, often coats his words with tasteful sarcasm and has low tolerance for empathy and emotions.

In this show, Hugh Laurie's piercing eyes and haggard look might not seem appealing, but his specialty coupled with his queer actions and sarcasm does make him charming; in a special way.

My beloved boyfriend

But these guys aside, dear isn't all that bad too. He's smart, intellectual, has a badass boy-boy look, and has a particular set of skills - IT. On top of that, he's musically inclined, fit, tall, and gives off that stable, dependable, loyal look.

And that's why I love him, deep deep. :D

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