
Minimized Me


To be honest, I haven't been very happy this week. Well I did try to induce laughter, as well as to hang around happy, cheery people but to no avail. So as I try to find out the source of this melancholy, I find myself particularly sensitive, emotional, passive and negative. And even so, I battle these emotions by thinking happy thoughts; or rather, rational and positive thoughts.

Well, all I can say that it's mentally exhausting rebutting the depressing side of my brain and today, I finally crumble in and ranted it out by crying. Boy, my heart does seem to feel lighter after that.

But deep in me, I know that these emotional turmoil are just temporal because the underlying source of this melancholy is still undefined. However, I recognize the fact that in times like these, I need to get back to His word to be restored, refilled, and rejuvenated.

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