But fret not because Vladstudio provides Wallpaper Clocks for your desktop wallpaper. They have a huge gallery of wallpaper clocks, where designs range from the simple, classy, to cute doodles, and even picture of nature. Best of all, it's free.
So how does it work? When you download the files (there are lots of free ones but some are still for registered users only) and apply it using this application (for mac), it replaces your current desktop picture and viola!~ It's done! The very cool thing is that the time or clock on the wallpaper clock that you've selected updates automatically so while it might look like a nice desktop wallpaper, the clock ON the desktop wallpaper actually tells the time too!
The very cool thing about this Wallpaper Clock is that it comes in different resolutions as you can just download the one that is for your screen. Also, you can choose to download the Wallpaper Clock as a plain image without the clock too.
For me, I've downloaded a few and I must say I am really impressed! Here's what I am using now:

Now with a functional desktop wallpaper that tells the time and comes with many cool designs, SWEET!
P/s: Though this is for both Mac and Windows, I haven't tried it for Windows because I am a Mac user.
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