
What's Your Goal?


The word 'Goal' would probably be a very sensitive trigger in this World Cup Season. But in my post, the word 'Goal' refers to:

  1. The result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.
  2. The terminal point in a race.

See as I was studying and revising for my coming exams, a certain module - Information Systems - had a chapter on Goal-Setting, Goal-Seeking and Transformation Process. To summarize the chapter, goals are being set by the owner of the system, who passes on the goals to the Goal-Setting control, which passes on information, goals, and methods to the Goal Seeking Control and thereafter, the Process.

Well, it did strike an epiphany and made me think about what our goals are, and where do our goals come from. Many would definitely agree that our goals in life include having a good career, starting a family, having a good health, making lots of money etc.

But has anyone thought of what are the goals for our very existence? And where do these goals in life come from. They must come from somewhere.. someone?

Well, I'm glad to know my goal for my existence. And even more so, I know where my goal comes from. Do you?

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