This is a follow-up on the previous post titled Healer. I've finally managed to find out some further details about the guy who wrote this song.
Mike is a highly sort after evangelistic speaker, traveling extensively throughout Australia and across the world, setting hearts on fire for Jesus wherever he goes. Mike started his evangelistic outreach while still in high school leading most of his school to Jesus. Growing up under the leadership of Ps Russell Evans, it was during these years the seeds of faith were sown and a mighty partnership was formed, that now sees generations impacted, inspired and empowered to win their generation.
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Mike Guglielmucci has recently been told he has cancer. This is what the devil does when people do thing for the kingdom of God. We need to pray for Mike, his wife Amanda that they will get through this and become even better people.
22thirty is a non denominational prayer movement. A movement of people who believe that it is time to UNITE, time to STAND and time to PRAY. Imagine a world where we as the body of Christ stood together, despite our backgrounds, styles or denominations. A world where we put aside our differences, celebrated our diversity and agreed on the things that really mattered. If you have a Passion to see the Body of Christ Stand together United to see Gods Kingdom established here on earth, check out and JOIN THE REVOLUTION.
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