
Bones and Ribs


Last friday, I finally had a chance to meet up with an ex-colleague - Henry, and we both went for dinner at Cafe Cartel at Tampines Mall, then coffee at Starbucks!

Well we all know that Cafe Cartel is famous for its St Louis Pork Ribs, so I decided to give that dish a try. Guess what! It was on promotion, and it cost $12.80 instead of the usual $15 plus.

Interior at Cafe Cartel
A light from the ceiling that was hovering over our food the entire time
First up, bread and butter
Henry ordered Salad. Yuck I eat greens, but not salad.
I had ST LOUIS PORK RIBS! It was an achievement that I manage to eat all my fries, and most of the ribs. To be precise, I had 3 ribs left and gosh, my stomach felt like a puffer-fish ready to explode. Thanks Henry for dinner!

P/s: Dear yy, if you are reading this, when are we meeting up again?

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