
The 'IT' In Me


Lately I have been searching high and low for The Sims 2 game for mac. Well, I used to have The Sims 2 but that was a DVD game for PC and each time I wanted to play, I had to boot into Windows with my macbook to play. What a hassle!

Even though I had VMWare installed in my macbook, it wasn't updated so each time I tried playing The Sims 2, a warning dialogue would pop up, and that would really piss me off. So since I realized that there wasn't much use of the game, I decided to sell it.

The irony came when I updated my VMWare and tried playing The Sims 2 without the CD (it was sold away, remember?) and then I got another warning dialogue that goes "Please insert CD to play." At this moment, I cursed myself haha.

So yes, I have been obsessed with The Sims 2. I've searched through every Mac shops in town and all I can find is The Sims 2 Dvd game at $74.90, which previously, they sold The Sims 2 CD game at about 50 plus. As much as I really really die to lay hold of that game, I am reluctant to spend that hefty amount!

Then it dawned upon me how much my preferences have changed over the years.

Thanks to having a IT savvy boyfriend who happens to be a complete techie as well, I realized that I have stopped buying girly stuff or even plain ornaments! Instead, I find myself looking through IT products, accessories, games etc..

One very good example would be how I willingly bought a 2G iphone without much thought! It wasn't because I was rich, or I was impulsive, but I really wanted it! Since I could afford it, then why not? Now I am still using my iPhone, and the satisfaction I get from it is irreplaceable with any other mobile phones!

However, mine wasn't a first hand because I intend to play around with it before the 3G version comes out. And though the 3G iPhone is out, the prices are so steep and that's a major turn off seriously.

In my possession, I also own a Macbook which isn't really great now because most people are converting from PCs' to Macs! But I bought this macbook with my own sweat and blood hard earned money, so "Ouch!" I really felt the hole in my pocket!

Well, I was quite hesitant to get a mac because I wasn't familiar with the Operating System and for most part of my life, I have been ingrained with Microsoft and Windows! However when I started using a macbook, I realized that the it was so user-friendly! A few clicks, hovers, keyboard shortcuts, interface, eye candies.. it really brings you to a whole new experience!

And since my birthday is coming up in 4 months and a day, then here's my wish list:
4gb Ram or perhaps a Macbook pro? :)

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