For the last week, I have been down and out, busy trying to balance my moods and emotions, and basically trying to rid myself from all negativity and inferiority.
In the process of doing so, I have been spontaneously grumpy. I can be smiling at in a moment, and irritable in a split second if triggered. I wouldn't want to give push the entire blame to PMS, but really, I have no idea why this is happening.
So, I have been seeking and asking for His strength, more importantly, His joy.
Because sometimes, it is just so plain tiring to put up a facade, to smile and show the world that everything's alright. Well, things are still fine for me, going smooth, slow. But we each have our struggles, don't we?
Thankfully dear has been really understanding and patient with me these weeks, pacifying me, encouraging me, trying means and ways to make me smile again! To my dearest, I just wanna say a big THANK YOU! Hehe!
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