
Tweaking My Thinking Cap


Sometimes, I marvel at how the simplest questions I ask myself like "Grace, why did you actually make your blog public?" can leave me dumbfounded. I was stumped. I thought about it for a long time, still no answer.

I would like to think that perhaps, I enjoy sharing my life with others and giving others a glimpse of the little woman in me. Or perhaps, I just crave the attention. Seriously, I don't know myself.

As I continue to find out why, I realized that as much as I resolve to post happy thoughts and cheery posts here, there is still an innate desire to spill my rants and lamentations somewhere. After all, it is my form of channeling these thoughts and feelings out of my system.

In view of this, I decided to open up another blog for my private thoughts. It is therapeutic, it is healthy, it really helps to get things off my chest.

Now you know, I'm not that cheery all the time.

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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