
Birthday On Dempsey Hill


Following a dinner on Imperial Cheng Ho Cruise, dear and I decided to continue his birthday night at Ben & Jerry's, Dempsey Hill.

Address: 8 Dempsey Road #01-14
Tanglin Village (Dempsey Road)
Tel: 6473 3231

It's really tough making your way there at night because of the lack of lights. Most of the time, we pretty much had to make several turns based on guesses and instinct. But maybe, that is because that's our first time there, that's why we made so many U turns which made us seem like we were going around in circles. Probably, it would be a piece of cake for those who often go there.

Welcome to Dempsey Hill! We finally found the place despite the poor lighting and road signs.
And here is Ben & Jerry's, which was really difficult to find amongst all the other restaurants. When we entered, we were greeted by a wooden rack of Ben & Jerry's apparels.
Further in, I was amazed at their architecture design and decor. Really interesting, especially the winding stairs up to the second floor. I didn't manage to get up there because I was embarrassed that of being a total noob since it is our first time here. Who's know what's up there?
Putting our stuff down, we proceeded to order 3 LARGE scoops of ice cream: Chunky Monkey, Cherry Garcia, and my favorite Phish Food!
Here you go! Our triple scoop ice cream. Slurp!
Aha! Dear couldn't wait to get his hands and tongue on the ice cream
Who couldn't be satiated after eating that much ice cream in 15 minutes? Further more, it was late at night and we could only enjoy the air-con and rest.
At the pastry and confectionary corner, I spotted cute cakes! The ones that are on your right (above) are spotted in their fridge. Oh I wonder how the smiley face cake tastes like!
More pictures of the inner decor in Ben & Jerry's. I really like the idea of the fire place. Brings me back to one of those old english country feel.

So finally, we ended the birthday celebration at almost 10:30pm and I am glad that at least, I made him feel special on his birthday.

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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