
Funny Thing About Balloons


There is no denying that balloons are part of my "Things That Grace Do Not Like" list, because I simply cannot stand the unpredictable sudden "BOM!" of the balloon when it bursts.

That's why, I don't understand why kids especially, love stomping on balloons and carelessly busting them with their rowdy gestures. What kind of kick does one get of that? For me, being in a room with kids playing balloons is like walking through a mine field, you get what I mean?

I guess I just don't like being scared, especially unpredictably. Once, someone tried scaring me by hiding behind a door and when I walked past, he shouted "GARRRWHHHH!!" and I was so scared, my heart thumped so fast that I thought I was about to hyperventilate and die.

So if you are planning a surprise attack on me, save it! Lest of course, you don't mind giving you the cold shoulder for a couple of hours whilst heading for some trauma therapy.

Interestingly while walking past John Little at Orchard, there were these cute animal balloon and sale and they were different from the usual helium-filled-floating-in-the-air balloons. Instead they weren't floating high up and in the sky, but just hovering about the ground, stuck with artificial legs, and a string that acts like a leash for you to walk your pet balloon animal.

You bet I was excited! Can you imagine I've always wanted this sort of balloon for a present? AND NOW IT IS MINE?! I was squealing up and down and giggling after purchasing this pet pig ballon at 5 DOLLARS!

You're right, I was like a little girl, hysterical when she got her hands on the balloon. Guess what, I don't really care he he! $5 to make me amused and entertained, why not?

Here piggy piggy! Isn't it a darling? Imagine I was walking through whole of Orchard with piggy in my hands? Everyone was pointing at it and giggling!

Here's my friend, trying to walk piggy in a Shopping Mall. I see some resemblance somewhere. Must be the eyes..
Even while resting at Gloria Jeans, my friend couldn't get his hands of piggy. Ha ha, I told you! Piggy is really cute and attractive.. who can resist it?

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