Today, I finally had some time to meet up with a friend who wanted to give me good dinner treat as a reward for doing well for my exams last term. So after meeting him up, we headed off to NYDC at Suntec City.
Now we all know that NYDC is famous for its mud pies and pizzas, so having born with a sweet tooth, how can I ever resist sweet chucky creamy chocolate mudpie?

First up! We both ordered our drinks. I've always had a liking for sweet clear drinks, thats why the Ice Peach Elephancino. Hmmm.. it tastes like some gassy Ice Peach Tea.
For my friend, he had the famous E=mc2, where it is supposedly soda with chocolate ice-cream and chocolate drink!

It's quite interesting to see RAINBOW RICE in my drink. And being a lover of cute things, I squealed "Ooh! Rainbow rice! Rainbow rice!"

My friend's cup of E=mc2. Chocolate ice cream with thick foam and soda? Apparently, their famous drink.

For the main course, my friend ordered his favorite Mushroom Ham Baked Rice. If you think that is it cheesy, my dear friend start sprinkling more shredded cheese till the whole plate almost turned yellow.

As for me, I had 3 Amigoes - Basically pasta served with some sort of sauce, baked with home made meatballs!

There you go! Their meatballs are really good! Chewy and tangy at the same time! But their meatballs aren't round, they are.. differently shaped.

For dessert, both of us ordered Cookie Monster Mud Pie, his with whip cream and mine without. Or this is sinful.. really sinful!

Stacked on an oreo base, the pie is made out of 2 ice-cream piled on each other, sprinkled with more oreo and topped with whipped cream and chocolate sauce.

Unfortunately, it was too filling and I couldn't finish my share! Here you go, the remnants of my dessert!

After a heavy saccharine dinner, we took a stroll around the Fountain of Wealth when we saw all these cute Precious Moments statues! Really sweet!

But for me, the most spectacular thing I say today, or I can't remember when, was this beautiful sunset that were blocked by some of the buildings. I had to search for a spot where I could get the best view to snap this!
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