
MDIS Dress Code Crackdown


With MDIS making the headlines of every newspaper, topic discussion of every forum thread, I don't think that my opinion here would really count much.

Unfortunately, it does because.. that's my school.

Now you see, I am totally fine with rules as long as they do not affect me in one way or another, but this Dress Code Hoo Ha is really trampling my nerves because our 'freedom' as a student has now become restricted. Being a maverick and having a genome of rebellious DNA, I really do detest restriction. However I wouldn't kick up such a big fuss if:
1) it wasn't my school
2) it didn't make the headlines

Back some time ago, I received a similar email from the administrator 'warning' us about the consequences of not adhering to these Dress Code Guidelines

I didn't give much thought into this, because I don't have facial piercings, dyed hair, and don't wear hot shorts or mini skirts. Then again, when emphasis is placed on punishment such as being expelled or barred from lessons or exams, it really turns on the heat in the pressure cooker. Especially when this becomes the talk of town, more scrutiny will be upon us students, and truthfully, we aren't happy about it.

'The objective of coming to MDIS is to study, not to display distasteful dressing,' the school's senior manager for student administration, Ms Jamuna Rani, said yesterday. 'Students who are here genuinely to study may be put off or influenced by that.'
So then I ask, can't students who are genuine in studying have any form of fashion sense? Is there a subtle assumption that all who do not adhere to the guidelines are not genuine? Absurd!
Look at other schools (in particular local schools), I don't see them being as strict and restrictive as MDIS? I am just pondering, is this a way to gain some media attention or a lousy way of advertising and marketing? After all, (they) should know that Private Schools earn from their students, so basically, lesser students, lesser income.. right?

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