I remembered as I anxiously await for my results from Bradford, I told dear "I am contented if I got 2 B's this time!"
But the funny thing is that when I saw my results, the first thing I did was run to my brother's room, smiled at him and say "Shit. I got A and B again."
Pffftt! Maybe in the back of my mind I was really expecting 2 A's. Then again, with all greater expectation comes greater disappointment.
So I have learnt my lesson well: Just do your best, don't expect the best, but be prepared for the worst.
Nevertheless, I thank God for my results because I know that many have to re-module because they failed Economics. Phew! Despite my love for Economics, I honestly didn't know that I could get an A for that. What's more, we were warned by my Economics teacher that passing rate isn't high and not many can get an A!
Thank God! Teehehe! :)
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