Let's rewind my health status to back 1 to 2 days ago. I had:
1) Flu and a runny nose
2) Dry cough
3) Phlegm
4) Joint aches
5) Cold sweat with 'hot' breaths
Fortunately, I had no school today and I took the liberty to utilize it completely for Project Recuperation. Now, I'm feeling much better, just that I have to figure out ways to cough the remaining phlegm out. Other than that, my nose has been stuffed on and off, so are my joint pains.
Still, being as obstinate as a mule, I am still self medicating. Well the truth is, I simply have no patience to queue up in a polyclinic and private clinics are just too costly for me. Not forgetting, I hate being in a doctor's office because it simply offsets my paranoia when the doctor starts giving his or her diagnosis on my condition.
So then, I have been thinking of the possible causes of my illness. Well, the culprit could have been easily the weather - fluctuations of the strong heat and the sudden rain. Or an even simpler explanation would be that someone passed the virus to me and I am just damn unlucky.
Or.. it could be THE LIFT CONSTRUCTION SITE JUST OUTSIDE MY HOUSE! Yes I do really appreciate the convenience of having more lifts that will be catered to each floor, but turning my void deck into a construction site with dust and sand flying around? No wonder I am sick, or can't heal completely. If you look at the picture above, you can see how close the lift construction is from my window grills.
I'm not kidding, I think the lift construction is a biohazard for me!
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