
Hormonal, Not?


I seem to be losing appetite lately, and I don't know why :( The only time I start eating is when my gastric acts up, or if not some particular intense craving arises.

So what seems to be the problem? Hormonal imbalance? Likely, considering 'the' days are coming close. Or do my taste-buds need some form of resuscitation? Oh bother!

First I lost weight because I filter food like crazy and because I am one helluva fussy-pot, next I lose weight because of stress (emotional or mental), then I lost some more weight because of mild Irritable Bowel Syndrome which unfortunately, is incurable. So yes, I lost 5kg in these 2 years and I can't put it back.

As much as I would like to give credit to parents for providing me with high metabolism genes from their genepool, a part of me still question the possible causes of this loss of weight.

So, I don't really know what's going on. But I definitely know I am eating right - Meat, fruits, vegetables, carbohydrates etc.. Well, I might be thinking too much on the other hand. Like I've said, it might just be some kind or monthly hormonal imbalance :)

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