So what seems to be the problem? Hormonal imbalance? Likely, considering 'the' days are coming close. Or do my taste-buds need some form of resuscitation? Oh bother!
First I lost weight because I filter food like crazy and because I am one helluva fussy-pot, next I lose weight because of stress (emotional or mental), then I lost some more weight because of mild Irritable Bowel Syndrome which unfortunately, is incurable. So yes, I lost 5kg in these 2 years and I can't put it back.
As much as I would like to give credit to parents for providing me with high metabolism genes from their genepool, a part of me still question the possible causes of this loss of weight.
So, I don't really know what's going on. But I definitely know I am eating right - Meat, fruits, vegetables, carbohydrates etc.. Well, I might be thinking too much on the other hand. Like I've said, it might just be some kind or monthly hormonal imbalance :)
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