
Trimming Off The Edges


Finally after much self conviction, I dragged myself to the nearest QB House for a trim!

Pardon the badly taken picture but if you look closer, the hairdresser trimmed off the edges and made the uneven ends even. Straight, right across horizontally. Ha ha I don't even know how to explain it myself! But just know that everything's pretty STRAIGHT now!

Previously, I dreaded trimming my hair because I was getting comfortable with the growing length, which attribute to some form of femininity.

However the ends were too haphazard and uneven. Hence I got so irritated and frustrated that my hair was getting out of shape that I stomped right to QB House today and told them what I wanted.

Yup, no regrets. And like the standard comments that one who say of hair cuts as such, "Oh! It looks more refreshing!"

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