
Crocs Prima Shoes


Being a cheapskate, I have been wearing this particular pair of jelly netted shoes for quite a while because it is soft and comfortable. Most importantly, it is $7.90 which is really cheap!

But of course cheap stuff don't last long. Within a few months, the plastic started tearing apart and soon, I had to compromise with a spare footwear until I get a replacement.

So I thought it would be ok if I got back the same shoe since it is comfortable and I really like it very much.

But my logical thinking overthrew this silly thought because if I had purchased the same kind of netted jelly shoe, it would be spoilt soon.

Then I thought about the different kinds of shoes I could have gotten. Suddenly, my mind flashed a pair of Mary Jane Crocs and viola! I felt that it was a good choice since Crocs Shoes are pretty lasting and the design I chose was similar to the previous netted jelly shoe.

To cut the long story short, I got my Crocs Prima Shoes for $43+ after a 10% discount at Royal Sporting House.

So far it has been good, just that I might need some getting used to. That explains the blisters I corn growing on my toes I think.


Hmm since there are 5 holes on each shoe, I was thinking of putting Crocs Accessories such as mini alphabets like: G-R-A-C-E and L-E-O-N-G on each croc shoes respectively. What do you think? :)

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