
The Egg Anomaly


I love eggs. Give me eggs for a meal and I can be satisfied.

The thing is, I used to like all kinds of eggs - soft boiled, scrambled, hard boiled, omelettes etc..

But recently, I have concluded that my love for eggs no longer include soft boiled eggs.

This is not an act of fussiness but truly, a trauma formed from a particular incident I had from a renown coffee franchise before Toast Box came about.

In that incident, I remembered ordering a usual set which includes Toast kaya bread, Iced coffee and two soft boiled eggs.

I cracked the eggs, scooped out the soft white egg and the wobbly yolk into the plate, put in all the necessary condiments and started stirring. In the essence of time, I decided to drink the soft boiled egg from the plate directly, without using a spoon.

This was where I choked on the smell of what seemed like the foul stench from the ROTTEN eggs, which was mixed with the condiments such as black sauce and pepper.

Bad combination!

I gagged at the little I have swallowed and before I knew it, my stomach was churning and I quickly rushed to the toilet to puke the soft boiled eggs.


Recently I was at school, and I decided to give soft boiled eggs another chance. I thought that probably, I wouldn't let the previous trauma cloud my love for eggs.

So I boldly walked to the drinks store, ordered two soft boiled eggs and started cracking it open, putting the condiments, stirring.

As usual, I lifted the plate above the table, placed it on my lips, and started drinking it.

Halfway through, I stopped because I couldn't stand the smell and the lingering taste on my taste-buds.

I left the remaining egg in the plate, walked off, and went to the toilet to clean my mouth.. thoroughly.

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