
Case Of The Unknown Pastry


Oh I am one that is too easily satisfied, especially when you tickle my taste buds with some of my favorite foods!

Just a few days ago, mom brought back a packet of my favorite food (as shown above) and since I haven't eaten that for the longest time, my heart skipped a beat. Ok, two beats.

Despite being one of my favorite food, I have really no idea what it is called. Mom calls it 白饼 (which translates as white cake), but I think it has some other name to it. Who knows? Hmm.

This cake, is soft, literally tasteless, and is covered with flour (though I know it looks like sugar coating). I like it's spongey feel inside, and the flour probably gives me the perception that I am eating something sugary, which inevitably pumps my adrenaline and sends signals to my brain to label it as.. COMFORT FOOD.

Anyway, I didn't get to lay my hands on it until today, where I've unconsciously gobbled 3 cakes. 2 in the morning, and 1 at night, leaving mom with 1. It's alright I guess, because she finds it when eating it in fear that the flour might scatter all over the place.

Well, can't rely on mom to keep buying it for me anymore. I think it is time to stock up my own stash of 白饼!

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