It seems like the fishing culture in our church is spreading! This time round, Weston, Christine and Auntie Serene joined us.
Ha! Our previous fishing trip was mostly youths. This trip however, was all adults!

Arriving at the Changi Jetty, the boatman had not arrived. Not because he was late, but he arrived while we were having our breakfast. So the boatman decided to head off to the Kelong to buy the usual bait - live prawns while we continue to enjoy our breakfast.

Finally after waiting a great deal of time, the boatman finally arrived!

The "toilet" facility on the boat just in case we need to answer to the call of nature. Ha! I know it looks really dirty but better than none right?

Fishing orientation 101 by Uncle Neo. Ha! While the newcomers were listening attentively..

... Dear and I were cam-whoring. Ha ha ha! Well, I'm glad that he could make it this time round because he had school the previous fishing trip.

When we arrived at the first fishing spot, Weston was all eager to cast his line! Auntie Serene randomly caught a fish as well. (She claimed that she couldn't feel the nibble and was reeling back the line when the fish was just...... there!)

Next up, off to our second fishing spot!

Here, the boatman caught the biggest fish we have seen by far! (Fish held by Dear) Dan also caught a really big Garoupa! One of the biggest catch we had by our own people! Good job Dan! :)

The back of the boat, where some of us (especially me) will sit and fish.

Here's the boatman. When he's not driving the boat, he would grab our live prawns and fish as well. Whatever catch he has, he would give it to us. On other times, he would just fall asleep!

Aaahhhh! I caught a really weird looking fish! Ha! The fish was so heavy, I thought my bait got caught in a coral and as I frantically called Uncle Mark (our fishing guru) to help me, it turned out to be this big weird looking fish. Any idea what breed this is?
Auntie Serene also caught an even weirder fish. It is thin and flat, with reptile-like skin and puny eyes. She threw the fish back in the sea because Uncle Neo said that both he and Uncle Mark never see this type of fish before. To play safe, better not eat.

At the front of the boat, Dan, I and Uncle Mark caught lots of this sort of fish. I call them the hungry-stupid fish.

At the 3rd fishing spot (I can't recall is it the 3rd or the 4th fishing trip), I caught this big Garoupa! Though not as big as Dan's Garoupa, but rather sizable!

Shortly afater that sizable Groupa, I caught a big Red Snapper! You should have seen me.. I was elated!

There right smack in the middle is the BIG fish caught by the boatman. Overall, we caught lesser fish than previous trips but definitely much much bigger than before!

When we arrived back at Singapore, we split the fishes. Dear and I didn't take any home, but we sure enjoyed the satisfaction of giving others the fishes we caught so that they would have nice steamed fresh fish for dinner over the next few days.
Looking forward to Fishing: Trip #4! Teehehe!
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