It has been a long while since I last went fishing with the usual fishing kakis from church, so I finally had a chance to go with them today!
This time round, there were more people than the usual group, and majority of us were actually youths! :)
We met early in the morning, where Uncle Mark and Daniel were kind enough to pick the rest of us at Bishan, Ivy's Place, and My Place respectively.
As usual, we began the day at Changi Hawker Centre for some breakfast, as well as to buy some packed lunch for ourselves to eat on the boat.
At about 8:30 am, we boarded the regular boat that we often use for the previous fishing trips at Changi Jetty.

Getting aboard the boat at Changi Jetty, slowly and carefully.

Soon, the boat left and Andy began Fishing Orientation 101 with Ken, who is a newcomer! Zen's a newcomer too! Looks like we are trying to psycho the fishing culture into the minds of more youths!

Here are some of the pictures that I took along the way to our first fishing spot.

Awhile later, we arrived at a Kelong where we usually buy live prawns as bait. Ken's all excited about his fishing experience!

The weather was beautiful! For the first time in my life, I noticed that there were no clouds in the morning sky! Just a spread of azure blue across the horizon, with the gentle sea breeze and the warm morning sun.. Beautiful!

Here are some of us who went for the fishing trip :) Apparently all the youths were hanging out and feeling the sun and wind whereas the folks were in the shade, napping and reading newspaper! Hehe :D

Andy trying to make fun of Ivy by asking her to tuck her hands in and while doing so, he quickly tied a knot using the sleeves to make her look as if she was in a straight jacket.

Finally! The boat arrived at the fishing spot and we were good to go! We quickly took our rods and began to cast it in the sea!

Above are the seasoned fishermen, also known to be experts, at least to me.

After a few minutes, I caught the first catch and followed by the rest! Ken's first catch was hilarious because he managed to catch a small fish (that is as tiny as a finger) with a live big prawn! Andy also caught one of the bigger kinds of fish at this fishing spot.

Here are some of our catch! I can't remember the names of the fish though. Gotta ask Uncle Mark!

After fishing at one spot, the boatman will bring us to another fishing spot according to his innate boatman instincts. Meanwhile, we grabbed our lunch while the boat was traveling from one place to another.

In the afternoon, the clouds finally came and filled the sky. Still beautiful and very surreal though.

Finally, it was time to head home and we decided to take a group shot with my mini tripod :)

Last but not least, we started splitting up our catch accordingly when we reached Changi Jetty. There were a total of 49 fishes (including those really small ones where Ken wanted to bring home to feed his cat) and the catch of the day was Andy's Red Snapper!
Oh what fun fishing is! Looking forward to the next fishing trip soon!
P/s: There is still this rocking sensation in my system and I can't get it out of my head. As a result, I constantly feel as if I am rocking back and forth! :D Oh well, no pain no gain! Guess the rocking sensation, exhaustion and the bad sunburnt was worth it!
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