
A Birthday And More


First of all, Happy Birthday dear Isaac! Thank you for the birthday invitation despite the lost of contact throughout 5 years. I had a great time and I'm sure everyone else too! :)

Isaac Chong, the birthday boy

Last night, I was invited to Isaac's birthday party and unlike the usual where dear would normally accompany me to my events, I went alone.

At first I was a little hesitant and apprehensive because I was so used to dear being beside me! Not that I'm overly-reliant on him, but his presence does make awkward situations much easier to overcome. For example, if I am invited to an event with lots of new people with anyone I hardly know, it would be good if he's around because if everyone has their own cliques and busy with their conversations, at least you have a familiar face and assuring partner to talk to.

But for last night's birthday party, I went alone with the fear of being socially inept. Thankfully, Isaac invited some of my secondary school classmates as well and I must, it was a JOY seeing them and catching up with them after all these years!

You have to understand that my Secondary School classmates are more than just friends. We are more like a team, and we are especially united (and rowdy) when more of us gather together.

I guess our unity and bonding derived from the four years we spent together in Sports Class - A class that consists of School Team Players from Basketball, Badminton, and Table Tennis. Back then, we were proud of who we are, and the privilege that we had i.e having our own Sports Class T shirts, having our own trainings for P.E (Physical Education) lessons which lasted for 3 periods instead of 1 period which other class had and spent doing aimless things like running around the school field and playing games like netball, volleyball, etc.

On top of that, my batch of Sports Class had boys that doubled the number of girls, fueled with raging Testosterone, angst, and infinite mischief so much so that within a few months, our class was INFAMOUS and NOTORIOUS! Every other day we had the Discipline Mistress coming to our class, occasionally we would make some teachers cry, and on regular days, near assault cases were much to common.

Up till here, I must have painted a pretty negative picture of my class. But there were many positive things about my class too. Aside from terrorizing teachers and achieving lousy stinking grades, we were united. We defended each other. We helped each other when a particular team had competitions going on. We looked out for each other. We went through thick and thin with each other. We hung out with each other and built bonds that up till today, are strong and solid.

Ha ha. Those were the good 4 years I had of my life and if I had a chance to return back in time, it would my Secondary School years.

With that, I continued to hang out with some of my Secondary School classmates after Isaac's Birthday Party. We sat down, we ate, we talked, caught up with each other, laughed at each other and the times we had in Secondary School, dug up old story and gossips etc. By the time we left, it was past midnight and our cheekbones were sore with excessive laugher.

But in essence, I was really glad to meet up with these group of people, and more glad that I went to Isaac's Birthday Party alone :)

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