


This two weeks have been really hectic for me - programs lined up back to back, logistics to settle, assignments and presentation to wreck my brain about, problems to solve and the list goes on.

Fortunately, I managed to make use of my traveling time to sit down, reflect, be still and just regain some balance in my life.

Through this time however, I was struck with many thoughts of thanksgiving as I looked back in my life; how I have grown a little more wiser, appreciative, and mature.


See three years ago, I was down in the valley, struck with despair and hopelessness when I received my A level results. The feeling of defeat, regretfulness, guilt, failure was overwhelming. You could say that I was desperate for a second chance, a miracle, or anything that could turn my situation around. Even the private universities didn't accept me as I failed to submit my applications before the submission date.

That was the year I was lost and down. And in the midst of what I was feeling, I had to make radical decisions about my future; courses to take, finding out how much it course would cost, researching on the credibility of the degrees each private university offers etc.

With the encouragement of dear, I broke out of the stereotypical mindset most Singaporeans have of admitting to university straight after college or poly. Instead, I worked for about a year with several MNCs (by the grace and providence of God) and in that time, built rapport with my employers so much so that I have been given opportunities I'd never think or imagine.

And because of the working experiences I had with several companies, I was better able to find out what courses I would be interested in studying; courses that I thought would be relevant and suited to my interest. In the mean time, I was waiting to admit to MDIS (Management Development Institute of Singapore) to begin my tertiary education.


Three years later, I look at myself - where I am in life, what I have done, how much I have overcome, the decisions I've made, the paths that I've chosen, and I can only say this: sometimes we have to walk through the valley before we can climb our way back to the mountain top.

Indeed, this three years have left me stronger to overcome what might come my way, wiser in making decisions, much more appreciative of my studies, and thankful for the failure I went through back then.

And since I believe that everything happens for a reason, I know that where I am now and what I might go through is what He intends for me. Because His ways and thoughts are higher than mine. :)

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