
Shine On Me


Life this week has been rather slow moving, but nonetheless great because there is no school. However, I find it a little uncomfortable, in fact weird that suddenly, there is so much time.

Imagine waking up at 10 am - 11 am thanks to the ongoing lift renovation outside my door, brushing my teeth, brewing my favorite cup of coffee, feeding Ruby, and finally gluing myself to the chair and spend what seems like eternity in front of my laptop before crawling back to bed again.

Yes, this whole cycle repeats itself everyday and before I start to whine about how boring my life this week is, I decided to renew a hobby of mine in my teens - suntanning.

One would not imagine that me, the originally fair yet sporty girl used to be so tanned that a Malay lady once spoke to me in Malay. Ha ha those were good old times but this hobby of mine stopped ever since the weather became increasingly erratic and scorching hot over the years. In addition, the spike in skin cancer cases due to the harmful UV rays really makes me think twice before doing any outdoor activity.

But yesterday, I was eager to get out of the house and do something; anything! So since the weather was both sunny and cloudy, I decided to head down Tampines Swimming Complex for a quick tan.

Lights that will illuminate the place at night

Reflection of the sky and balcony on my iphone

More reflections

Where I usually tan; the balcony located on the 2nd floor

With the winds and the sun, no wonder I feel sleepy

Here am I, satisfied with my tan!

As compared to cooping in my room all day, I must say that heading outdoors has really helped me regain some balance in life. Of course my anti-suntanning friends would soon give me a lecture of how I should have lathered myself with tons of sunblock, and my dad would warn me about having freckles and spots later on in life.

But I didn't regret, at all. :)

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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