
Church Camp 2009 (Day 4)


Soon, it was the last day of the camp and after lunch, we gathered in the lobby for the minivans to pick us up and send us to Batam Ferry Terminal.

Upon arrival at Batam Ferry Terminal, the crowd and the lack of air-conditioning was quite a turn off.

But since we had time to kill, Michelle and I explored the Terminal further.

I was quite surprised to find that they sell Spongebob Ice-cream that's in a shape of Spongebob itself. If I didn't had my period, I would have bought it the moment I saw this.

Finally it was time and we could check into the Terminal. But it was much more crowded than I'd expected.

After a long wait, we finally made our way to the docks where our ferry was berthed.

I must say that Church Camp this year caught me by surprise. On one hand, I didn't expect much before the camp started because I was pretty sad that dear couldn't go and I was a little disoriented after the Port Dickson trip.

But during the camp itself, I saw how God moved, how He touched the hearts of many and sent a mighty breakthrough in this camp.

Indeed I was so blessed during this camp and I'm sure that this camp has impacted everyone of us in each way.

Click here to see all the Church Camp 2009 photos!

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