
Jesus Demands Everything


I got this off Samuel's blog (Thanks Sam!) because it really ministers and speaks to my heart about how we view God, how precious our salvation is, and how Jesus demands our everything.

It's really has been a long time since I heard a preacher speak the truth in such a solemn and factual manner. For that, I admire his courage and boldness because it's hard to speak the truth that no one wants to hear, or one that grips our heart with guilt and self-reproach.

Nonetheless, this serves as a reminder for myself (and I hope for everyone) that our Salvation, like what Paul Washer mentioned, is not a flu shot. He demands our everything because He is worthy and loving, and just.

"So difficult is our Salvation that only God can make it possible."

Indeed, our Salvation is so precious, so important, so valuable. Let's not take it for granted.

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