Ruby isn't sick. He's far from sick, in fact he is a pretty healthy boy. But yesterday, I decided to ignore ALL online rabbit advice about bathing because I wanted to keep his white coat of fur clean and at the same time, experience the whole fuss of why rabbits should not be bathed.
So I opened the cage, carried him gently to the toilet, and placed him down on the cold toilet floor. I tried using my legs to cordon him off to an area, and fortunately, it worked. Then I used my hands to turn on the shower and slowly adjusted it to the ideal temperature - mildly warm.
Of course I didn't shower Ruby directly like how we humans bathe. That would definitely send his heart racing until he gets a cardiac arrest. What I did was I slowly wet him with my hands, stroking him each time and cooing him gently. With each stroke I made, Ruby gradually got wetter and wetter, until he was drenched.
Up at this point, I DID NOT SHOWER HIM DIRECTLY. I just kept stroking him with more water and more water, until he got really wet.
Surprisingly, Ruby did not retaliate or struggle. He was a darling! He simply hunched his back with his head stooped low and did not move throughout the whole process! I even checked his heartbeat to see if it was racing which was indicative of being stressed. No, his heartbeat was regular and he continued to remain still even after I have turned off the shower!
Unfortunately I wasn't able to take any pictures of the whole process. But I did take a few shots of him drying up! :)
Well I must applaud Ruby for his bravery, and don't worry, I won't bathe him unnecessarily either. But I must say that this whole process wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be! :D
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