Dear and I are completely opposites - He's the logical, intellectual, smart, IT kind of guy. I on the other hand, am the emotional, sensitive, arty-farty and creative sort of girl.
So on most days, we complement each other. On other days, our strengths become our weaknesses and well, things become the opposite of blissful.
Despite our stark difference in personality and character, I'm glad that music draws us together. You can say that it is the only thing where we work best together, probably due to the frequent jamming sessions we had when we first got together. Now, we both serve in the church band and are ever passionate about music and God.
Any how, I guess I'm quite an open book. Whatever I'm thinking or feeling pretty much shows on my face. Trust me, I am still in the process of getting a hold of my emotions and inducing smiles when meeting with people in a public place.
Dear on the other hand, is mysterious. He keeps thoughts to himself, and does not reveal his feelings easily. Most of the time, he keeps it in an imaginary box somewhere in the basement of his heart.
Nonetheless, he is my better half, the guy that people can rely on, the one to call when you are faced with an IT related problem, the one your can trust to keep a secret. With that, I like him a lot.
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