
Transformers 2


Honestly, I had absolutely no idea that Transformers 2 was out. I must have buried myself too deep in the heaps and piles of notes last week to be aware of what's going around me; and the world.

Fortunately, I was blessed with a pair of tickets to watch the Transformers 2 yesterday at Cathay. (Thanks Chris and Weston!) So dear and I rushed down from church to Cathay to meet Ruth the organizer (Thanks for organizing!) and the rest of the group, and together, we proceeded to catch the movie at Hall 6.

And for those who have no idea what Transformers is, or what Transformers 2 is about, here's a trailer for you:

My my! I must say that I must give this show two thumbs up! (Well, that's all the thumbs I've got anyway)

It is filled with non-stop action, nice plot, and graphics that will blow you off your seat! So throughout the show, I was staring at the screen with the occasional covering of my ears because of the loud sound effect. Basically, I was absorbed into every part of the show!

Well, that's because I like action-packed, suspense, thriller, block-buster kind of shows, and Transformers 2 is exactly as what I've described above.

Love it love it LOVE IT!~ :D

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