
Matthew 24:7


These days, the newspapers are plagued with news on natural disasters, the economy gloom, unemployment, homocides and so on. It gets a bit depressing after reading a page or two, and so I've stopped reading newspapers altogether. But that's partly because I hate getting my hands dirty and I'm a lazy bum altogether.

How do I stay informed on what's going on then? Simple. On mornings that I have to go to work, I'll turn on the television once I wake up. The noise from the black animated box will then keep me 'awake' when I try to snooze for a little while after I'm done making a trip to the loo. As a result, I'm actually listening to the news while snoozing.

So this morning, while resting my eyes and catching some sleep for another 5 minutes, I heard the reporter announcing about an earthquake that happened some time today. I then googled it up and stumbled upon this article:

Tsunami in Pacific Kills at Least 28 in Samoa Region
By Gavin Evans and Tracy Withers

Sept. 30 (Bloomberg) -- A tsunami in the Pacific Ocean caused by a magnitude-8 earthquake left at least 28 people dead and more than 50 injured in Samoa and American Samoa, as well as prompting warnings waves may hit Japan and the U.S. west coast.

At least 14 people were killed in American Samoa and 14 are feared dead in neighboring Samoa, Agence France-Presse reported, citing Red Cross officials and local radio. At least two people died after the ground floor of the Federal Building in Pago Pago, American Samoa, was flooded, Gerard Fryer, a geophysicist with the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, told Radio New Zealand.

Read the full article here

Somehow, that earthquake reminded me of Matthew 24:7

Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There willl be famines and earthquakes in many places.

If Matthew 24:7 was written many centuries ago and has come to past, how about the God's promise and gift to you in John 3:16?

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Take comfort that in these very troubling times, there is still hope, there is still love, there is still salvation.

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