
Searching In Progress


Last weekend was an emotional roller-coaster ride for me, because the series of events that caused this emotional upheaval was so unexpected, so unpredictable. At one point, it literally left me speechless and lost; I didn't know what to do. It was something I have never experienced before, and I didn't know how to react to the situation at that point of time. All I could remember that I cried a lot, and was hurt a great deal.

Well, that's for last weekend, and I shall probably elaborate about what I've learnt from that incident at a later time. But today is a new day. It is the start of a new week. And instead of letting the Monday Blues set in by default, I woke up this morning resolving in my heart and mind to set this week for God. After all, I was convicted in my heart that through the series of events that happened last week, God was calling me back to Him; as if He was trying to get my attention and shouting out "Hey my dear girl, I am here. Come back to me!"

I was also quite surprised, that I was able to be positive and optimistic despite my emotions at play. Usually when I am upset and hurt, I will cry, mull over the entire incident, and probably playback the incident a million times in slow-motion at the back of my head. This time however, I had a different attitude when I went throught last week's ordeal. Instead of being melancholic and depressed, my instant response to the situation was to ask "Hey God, what are you trying to let me learn through this?" I won't deny that my emotions weren't involved. But somehow, I was just able to look beyond the situation and have a revelation that perhaps, there was a reason for what I am going through, be it God trying to get my attention, or me trying to learn something new so that I will be more prepared the next time round. Either way, I was surprised by my attitude and mindset. I really thank God for this change, because it really helped me return to God and focus on what He's trying to tell me through those events.

So this morning, I was filled with an unusual passion for the Word of God. Unlike the usual train journeys (be it going to school or work) where I merely read a few chapters of His word, I was inspired to read further and seek Him in any way I can. And because of this unknown passion and desire, I was so excited in wanting to find out what I might learn and how I can be ministered by His word. So I read the whole of Zechariah - nothing. I went on to read James - still nothing. After James, I read 1 Peter, and then 2 Peter, and that's when I saw these 2 versus that emprowered and ministered to me right there and then on the train.

"His divine power has given us everything we need in life and godliness through our knowing of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness. Through these He has given us His very great and precious promises so that through them You may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the
world caused by evil desires."
2 Peter 1:3-4

Boy it was awesome! This verse literally spoke to me that His power is able to provide for EVERYTHING WE NEED IN LIFE. That gives us the victory in our circumstance, situation, disappointments, hurts, and struggles! And the word went on to say that He has given us His promises as well, so that in every situation and circumstance we go through in the world, it will continue to cause us to participate in the divine nature of His plans and purposes.

Oh how great and wonderful He is, to be able to speak, comfort, edify, encourage, and assure us in everyday of our life. Truly I have learnt that if I seek, I shall find. :)

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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