
You and I


To my dearest boyfriend, thank you for showing me that despite our differences, it is our love that binds us together; and that's more than enough.

You are logical, rationale, and can win me hands down at any quarrel, disagreement of fight.
I on the other hand, am emotional and seem to only cry at every quarrel, cold war, or even the slightest aloofness.
Yet no matter whose fault it is we can still apologize and end it with a hug.

You don't like to receive expensive gifts from me because of the guilt that haunts you and makes you feel unworthy.
I love to give you big expensive gifts because the joy and glee shown on your face is priceless.
Yet having each other is the greatest gift to each of us.

You love touring on your bike.
Given the chance, I'd rather travel by plane.
Yet no matter the distance, we both enjoy the journey as long as we are together.

You rather be alone and not deal with the issue when you're angry.
I prefer a quick fix and would want to confront the matter so as to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
Yet no matter how angry or upset we both are, each other's well-being is our greatest concern.

You love gadgets, automobiles, and anything that's functional and practical.
I love flowers, soft toys, and cute stuff.
Yet we still support Apple and have iPhones each.

You claim that most things are common sense.
I counter-claim that you are intellectual.
Yet we both learn new things everyday.

You rather eat tidbits or starve than to cook instant noodles for yourself.
I will most definitely go downstairs and get food when I'm hungry.
Yet we both prefer to eat in the room rather than the living room.

You like using the bar soap.
I drop the bar soap ever so often that I end up buying bath soap.
Yet we both agree that the best hug is given right after a bath.

You like reading articles on technology and browsing through bike forums.
I read through my friend's status feeds on Facebook and enjoy blogging.
Yet we both enjoy watching some silly Youtube video or re-watching each Friends episode.

Indeed, it is the little common things we share that make our differences smaller. :$

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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