
Welcome Minister Khaw


I've always been quite amazed how the world of Technology brings people from different countries closer together. Especially with the Internet, anything and everything is available to you with just one click of a mouse. As such, we no longer need to leave our house to meet friends, buy newspapers, or head outdoors to shop. We can now chat over Msn, read Straits Time online, and visit various Blog Shops that are so widely available.

Part of the world of Technology encompasses the Blogosphere - A term that recently surfaced and by Wikipedia's definition, imply that blogs exist together as a connected community (or as a collection of connected communities) or as a social network in which everyday authors can publish their opinions. It is a term I am familiar with, because I myself do blog, which leads to why you are reading this post as well.

So as what Wikipedia has accurately defined the meaning of Blogosphere, Bloggers not only blog, they actually read other blogs as well. Just like myself, I do enjoy reading my friend's blogs, or blogs that share similar thoughts, interests, and can relate to me at a certain level. I guess that is why I follow Arnold Schwarzenegger's on Twitter; because I am interested to find out what he has to say.

Recently in the Blogosphere, there is a new member. He's someone that most of all know, and one who is highly regarded in our nation. He's none other than Minister Khaw. According to The Strait's Time News today, Minister Khaw blogs about his thoughts about Health Care, and some MOH (Ministry of Health) plans as well. You can read his blog here.

Other than Minister Khaw's blog, there is Facebook Page for MOH as well. Overall, I think it's a good initiative and down-to-earth idea because folks like us are able to be more informed with the latest news via Facebook Statuses, as well as ask questions by commenting on the Facebook Statuses itself. You'll be surprised that MOH actually replies your queries, which I honestly feel is a good form of communication.

So welcome Minister Khaw, a fellow blogger! :)

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