
Doing The Dishes


Dear stood up with an empty tin can in one hand and a pair of chopsticks in another. He looked at me and paused for a moment, then he pouted. Slurping every noodle that was left in my tin can, I looked up at him with my mouth full of noodles and managed to force a sentence: "I'm not finished with my noodles dear. Why don't you put down the tin can and wait till I am done?" He pouted further with what seem like a combination of a sulk and a half smile, placed his empty tin can and chopsticks on the table, sat down and continued to surf the net.

(10 minutes later..)

Me: "Dear, I'm done." I handed him my empty tin can and my pair of chopsticks.
Him: (Pouts) "I'm sorry but the chance is over." (Pouts)
Me: (Frowns at him, took his empty tin can and chopsticks, stood up and proceeded to the kitchen)
Him: (Follows behind me to the kitchen.)

Just as I placed the dishes in the sink to wash, he stood behind me, arms held out across my waist as he provided his pair of "helping hands" in doing the dishes. For that moment, I knew what he was up to and I smiled.

After the dishes were washed, he turned around and smiled to me, "Now isn't that better?" :D

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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