
Yes Or No


I don't pride myself in making good decisions all the time, but with the past decisions I've made, I've never looked back and regretted.

Lately, however, I was pretty miserable because I couldn't bring myself to make a decision. It was one of those rare moments where every part of me struggled to make sense of it all, to stay unbiased, to be logical, yet at the same time, fight the very desires of my heart and mind.

It was as if my mind was raging an ongoing war with my heart - My mind obviously stating the reasons against, and my heart, tugged with the abundant reasons for making the decision.

It sucks really - to the point where I had to sit down with dear and ask him to make the decision for me. Be it a yes or no, at least it was way better than not making a decision at all.

So we talked, and arrived at a decision which came to a NO. I was happy, yet sad, because finally, I can get this undecided misery off my chest but yet at the same time, NO means not being able to get what I really want.

All in all, a decision is better than none. Yes or no, I'm glad that it is off my chest. And with that, I heave a big sigh of relief.

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