I was second in line while queuing at a POSB automated teller machine in Tiong Bahru Plaza.
Soon, the lady in front of me finished her transaction and left, so I stepped forward and proceeded to make my transaction.
Strangely, no matter how I tried to stuff my card into the slot, the card just wouldn't go in. In addition, the screen of the ATM machine kept flashing "Transaction completed" and I was thinking to myself "If the transaction is completed, why won't my card go in?"
Suddenly, as if my eyes became intuitive, I glanced at the slot where the money was ejected out and to my surprise, a $50 note was left there!
At that moment, I was shocked and confused. I took the $50 note in my right hand and turned around to see if the lady in front of me was nearby. No she wasn't, and instead, I was greeted with the angry stares of people who were impatiently queuing up for their turn to use the ATM machine.
Immediately, I panicked and thought to myself "What should I do? I can't take this money! How am I going to find the lady and return her her money? And if I can't find her, what am I going to do with this $50 note?"
Of course I didn't stand there and think of the answers to the questions in my head. I had to make my transaction fast, before the rest of the queue holler at me with their hostile spiel of vulgarities and what not. Not to mention, the look of death that could crush my conscience.
After making my transaction, it was as if God sent an instantaneous solution before I could even ask Him what I should do with the money.
As I turned around from the ATM machine, there she was! The lady was running towards me with a look of fear and panic spilled all of her face.
Immediately, I smiled and passed her the money saying "Here you go." She looked at the money, then at me, with a look of confusion. No, she didn't thank me and even if she did, I wouldn't have heard because my ears were plugged with my earphones.
Any how, I walked away smiling, with peace in my heart, and a big sigh of relief.
It was really nice helping someone. And even when she didn't say thank you, I was very satisfied that I made the right decision by returning the money to her. After all, I could have kept the money to myself and reward myself with something.
But I didn't. Because the reward of integrity and honesty weighed much more than just that $50.
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