
Project R


A couple of my friends shared a link about Project R on Facebook last night. Curious, I decided to click on the url to find out what Project R is about. That then led me to Alvin's blog.

Apparently Project R is Alvin's way of proposing to his girlfriend - Rachel, and his idea was to propose to her online through the help of his readers and fans.

So here's how it goes. He's leaving his happiness to everyone in hope that they will viral this message out to his girlfriend:

“Rachel, will you marry me? I am waiting for your answer at a secret location. To find me, you need to unlock a series of clues which showcase my five resolutions to you. The first clue is in a video posted on my blog. I will be waiting for you till you show up.”

Indeed, there are 5 clues in his blog and his girlfriend has to solve these 5 clues in order to meet him at the final destination where he will propose to her.

What do you think? A tad overdoing it? Sweet? Romantic? Hmm. I wonder that will happen if she decides to play a nasty prank on him by showing her disinterest in solving the clues. HA HA!

Any how, I honestly think that it's a fun idea. However there wouldn't be any suspense because everyone you know is going to BUG your girlfriend about the whole proposal and she'll be probably counting down to the days where he will propose to her.

I'm not sure. Perhaps I'm too much of a surprise lover that this method will fail miserably on me. I believe proposals should have some form of secrecy and fun so that the girlfriends will have something to anticipate and look forward instead of having the knowledge that on this certain day and time, he will be proposing.

Well, I'm certain that everyone likes a nice surprise that sweeps them off their feet and leave them speechless with emotions flooding their entire being. At least that's my idea and how I envision proposals to be. :)

What do you guys think? :)

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