
The Decision


When I first submitted my University application last thursday, my mind being the logical part of my body, told me that studying Full Time would be the correct and safest thing to do. My heart, however, was interested to take up the challenge of working Full Time and studying Part Time because the Part Time and Full time studies both end in 2 years, I end up paying lesser for my school fees, and I felt that my time could really be fully utilized by working and studying. After all, my Full Time degree studies would comprise of 3 hours of lessons each day, which was neither here nor there.

But before submitting my application, I really struggled with deciding on Full Time or Part Time studies because I knew this decision would affect me greatly in the next 2 years. There will no turning back, a lot of determination and discipline is required, and I on my part have to ensure that my grades aren't slipping.

And so I prayed to God for a sign and waited 2 days. Nothing. I then submitted my application form and ticked "Full Time Studies".

A day later, dear then informed me about a position in his company, and how he felt that I was so suited for the job. Hearing what he said, my heart leaped and I knew that yes, the opportunity is here! I was glad and excited because to me, this job opportunity was like a sign indicating that I should study Part Time, and I've never worked in a same company with dear before.

So over the weekend, I informed my parents about my plans and on Monday, I started making all the necessary arrangements.

Thus it has been confirmed. I will be working Full Time and studying Part Time. I know that I need to be very disciplined. I know that my social life will be affected. I know that it is going to be difficult.

But above all, I know I need His strength.

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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