
Not The End


It has been 3 weeks since school began and if I am not wrong, I haven't mentioned how things are in school yet.

Before school commenced, I remember being excited about meeting new people and learning new things. Now that school has started, I am seriously having mixed jumbled feelings

Well the good thing is that some of classmates who were from my Diploma class progressed on to the Advanced Diploma class together with me, which makes things familiar for me - and for them. After all, we have been in the same class before and there wouldn't be any awkwardness in starting conversations with random classmates you think are of similar interest and age group like you.

However on the flip side, most of my classmates are cliques who progressed on from their Diploma classes as well.

The horrifying thing is that there are only 5 boys in the class!

So here's the scenario: A class full of raging progesterone and oestrogen, putting on a pleasant facade but spitting fire and stabbing knives into those that are simply 'not-of-their-type'.

It's really sad because on one hand, the chance of making new friends would mean making friends would the whole entire clique and be conform to their cliquish behavior; while staying with my current group of friends I know would (bluntly put) have a conflict of interest sometimes.

That's why I have never liked being in a place where plenty of females gather. Because you may never know what the talk about behind your back, or the judgemental looks the moment you make a mistake or even when you wear something really odd.

The only self comfort that I can tell myself is: Things might change, things will change. It's not the end of the world.

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